Global Field Marketing – Tips & Strategy

Global Field Marketing – Tips & Strategy

Global Field Marketing (GFM) is an effective way for brands and companies to reach customers and unlock growth in new markets in other countries.

Service Innovation Group offers access to one centralised field sales management function to support global field marketing strategies – taking the language and coordination barriers away from working with multiple marketplaces globally.

Understand the Importance of Localisation.

One of the biggest mistakes brands and marketers make when attempting global field marketing and trying to sell abroad is not understanding the importance of localisation. Localisation means adapting your sales approach for your brand to fit the culture of the market you are targeting.

For example, when selling a product that appeals to people in Japan, you need to adapt your message to Japanese audiences, and so on and so forth.

You also need to understand how different cultures view topics. For example, Americans think of money as something to save, whilst Europeans see it more as a form of entertainment.

Our experience across global markets can help your business make these decisions quickly and easily using powerful local knowledge, access to markets worldwide, making us the global leader in field sales solutions.

Find Out Which Countries & Markets You Can Reach.

To find out where you can reach potential customers, use Google Trends to analyse search trends in various countries. You can also use tools like Google Translate to translate text into other languages.

Where you have a global procurement requirement – a Field Marketing agency can help offer a centralised function to coordinate your growth.

Service Innovation Group offers you a gateway to Field Marketing solutions in countries worldwide with our unrivalled experience of operating globally for over 40 years.  

Global reach, local knowledge.

Determine Where to Focus Your Efforts.

Once you have identified the countries with the highest interest in your product or service, your next steps to support your route to market will determine the type of products or services you offer and decide if suitable for which outlet, retailer or venue.

For example, if you sell technology, focus on Europe and North America. Retail markets require much more thought based on brand affinity with your unique selling points (USPs).

Service Innovation Group can offer advice for this.

Service innovation Group offer solutions across all sectors – find out more HERE.

Five steps to create an effective Field Marketing Strategy.

1 – Identify the Markets You Want To Reach

Step 1 is where you need to research into the countries you want to reach. There are several ways to identify potential markets.

One method is to use Google Trends to see which countries search for terms related to your product or service. Another option is to use a free online market research platform such as SurveyMonkey Audience.

2 – Determine What Type of Products or Services You Offer

It is important to understand how different countries value different products or services.

For example, people in China tend to prefer more expensive items than those in the United States.

3 – Understand How Different Countries Value Different Products or Services

In order to effectively market to different countries, you must first understand how each country values different products or services.

4 – Develop a Plan

Now that you have identified the countries you want to target, you need to develop a plan for reaching them.

Service innovation Group work with the leading brands in the world implementing field sales strategies to include Strategic Teams, Tactical Teams, Retail Merchandising, Training, POS implementation, Auditing, and much more.

5 – Start Small

Don’t try to tackle too much at once. Instead, start small by focusing on one country at a time.

Service Innovation Group’s UK head office makes us ideal to work as your Field Marketing Strategy partner through our multilingual project and account teams across Europe.

Start with a Base and Grow From There

If you want to succeed with European and international field marketing strategy, you’ll need a partner that understands each country and the marketplaces.

We simplify this with our unrivalled experience, talk to us today to find out how we can help your business grow today.

Service Innovation Group can help

Utilising a field marketing agency means that you have optimum control of your campaign.

We plan, manage and distribute promotional material directly to our teams, cutting out any risk of it not being implemented

We’d love to help so why not – CONTACT US